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Bluetooth HART Interface (HM-BT-BAT-ER)
£407.33 exc. VAT
Bluetooth HART Interface guaranteed to work with all HART software for devices with Windows and Android operating systems. Isolates your computer equipment from potentially damaging field voltages.
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Bluetooth HART Interface
This Bluetooth HART Interface (called HM-BT-BAT-ER) has a range of up to 83 meters (Class 1 Bluetooth), 1.2 meter long cable for HART device/network connection with two grip connectors, and a HART CommDTM for FDT applications.
Note: This is the same product as our “Bluetooth HART Modem“. It is listed here as “Bluetooth HART Interface” because a few customer use this name instead. They are also referred to as: Bluetooth HART Cable.
Note: This modem is suitable for devices with Windows and Android operating systems. It is not suitable for devices running the Apple iOS, for iOS you need our HM-BLE HART Interface.
- Money back guarantee to work with all wired HART devices and all HART configuration software that requires a HART Interface e.g. RS232 (serial), USB or Bluetooth
- A Bluetooth HART Interface isolates and protects your computer equipment from potentially damaging field voltages when connecting to HART devices/networks
- Access hard to reach instrumentation with increased comfort and safety. As a Bluetooth Class 1 device supporting a working range of up to 83 meters, it can free you from the restricted cable length of RS232 and USB HART Interfaces, often enabling you to work from an area of increased safety and comfort
- Enables easy instrument configuration using PC’s/Laptops/Tablets/Mobile-Phones without needing to attach any modules or cables to your PC/Laptop/Tablet/Mobile-Phone
- Less clutter on desk or workbench
- Rechargeable Lithium Ion battery provides an operation time of about 14 hours, a recharge time of about 1 hour (depending on the power output of the USB port used for charging) and excellent standby characteristics. Li-ion batteries typically have over 75% of charge remaining after 1 year of storage
- HART Communication DTM (HART CommDTM) supplied for FDT applications
- No Bluetooth Serial Port driver required, all mainstream operating systems (Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, etc) have the required Bluetooth drivers built in
- Full documentation and free support provided
To be able to configure HART devices you need both HART Communicator software and a HART Interface. HM-BT-BAT-ER is just the HART Interface. If you do not already have HART Communicator software you should instead consider either a HART Communicator Conversion package or a HART Communicator. However, HM-BT-BAT-ER will work with any HART software.
What you will get:
- A Bluetooth HART Interface (Class 1 Bluetooth device, range up to 83m)
- A USB to mini USB lead (for charging the modem)
- A HART Shunt / Loop resistor
- A CD containing:
- User Manual for HM-BT-BAT-ER
- HART Communication DTM (HART CommDTM) for FDT applications
- Windows software to easily test communication with a HART device
- Demonstration versions of HART Communicator Software for Windows (DevCom2000) and for Android (DevComDroid)
What you will need (i.e. not included):
- A PC/Laptop/Tablet/Smartphone with Bluetooth
- HART Communicator software. We recommend DevCom2000 for Windows devices, or DevComDroid for Android devices, but all HART software is supported
- A way of powering the HART device you want to communicate with, typically 24Vdc
Downloads (Datasheet, Manual, Files, etc):
Please see the Downloads tab above.